This post is in memory of my father's brother. His name is Andre.mThey were the youngest of the bothers among the siblings. They were always together. Even thought they were the opposite of each other they still loved each other in their moments of celebrations. Daddy was more laid back and uncle Andre was the business one. With his family, Uncle Andre was loving and jovial. I can say that my father and his bother were my childhood. Without the families living so close I can't imagine what life would have been like. Because of my uncle we were able to live a life that many children wish they had. Yes, there were bad moments but when you look back you can't help but be thankful of how Yahuah God orchestrated the events. I remember the times of laughter and the times of happiness. Growing up on a farm can be quiet entertaining. I remember all of us, on a Saturday, getting in my uncles mini bus and going to the beach. This was a 2 to 3 hour drive but with 4 adults and six children, you can imagine the all the commotions. On the beach the children played in the water and sand, the mothers walked and gossiped and the fathers will be listened to music and drank. Driving back home looking up in the blue skies and feeling the warmth of the sun as it kissed your skin made everything sees like a dream. This was all due to the two brothers. They gave us such a wonderful childhood and now they have to be our angels walking besides us and guiding us to make them proud. So when they look down they can say to Yahuah God - These are the ones your trusted us with and we've led them to you, our father, ABBA August 18th 2019.