Hi Daddy,

Want to wish you a happy 60th in heaven. I'm trying to imagine how you would have celebrated it if you were still with us. I can't say if we would have been together or if you would have been in Guyana alone. The only thing I can do is to go by memory and what's in my heart. One thing that caught me off guard was this past Monday I went to a service and a guys' phone began ringing. His ring tone was one of those songs that you would enjoy while taking a drink or two. When I heard the song, I blurted out, "wow...bringing back memories" and one of my aunt said "yeah, he (you,daddy) used to listen to these songs when he's sportin" and I just laugh because it's so true. The sad part is I don't remember the name of the song and I really thought I would remember it but as I'm writing it's really not coming to mind. I began listing to a few Indian oldies to try and remember the song's name and eventually I came across Mukesh songs and I know that he was one of your favorites. To this day every time I listen to these songs, I just picture you sitting in the hammock on the veranda smoking a cigarette while you're far away in thought while your glass with either brown rum or white rum sitting on the window sill. Some of the time you would hum along with the song and other time you would just listen and wander off. I want to think these were moment of peace for you and not of solitude. Deep in my heart now I know that something was missing in your life and you were never comfortable enough with anyone to open up. Instead you kept everything inside. I don't know if you had anymore time on this earth if you would have come around or if life would have been too much for you. At the end of the day I have to comfort myself by saying that God looked down and saw his son suffering and lonely and wanted to bring him home. I pray that you're with God and you're looking down on us and guiding us each and every day. Until we meet again...love, hugs and kisses from all of us.