Browsing Archive: December, 2018

Six Year Anniversary

Posted by Maria Persaud on Friday, December 14, 2018,
It has been six years and counting. The memories seem like they were only yesterday. I can still remember your excitement when we went back to Guyana to surprise you in 2005. You were so happy. I can still see the joy in your eyes and hear the happiness in your voice. You took us to all the neighbors and introduce us to all of them. You were always so happy with the littlest things, never anything too extravagant, this is something that I strive for in this lifetime. With all the disadvantage...
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Six Year Anniversary

Posted by Maria Persaud on Friday, December 14, 2018,
It has been six years now and counting but the memories seem like they were only yesterday. I still remember your excitement when we went back to Guyana to surprise you in 2005. You were so happy and that's how I will always remember you. I can still see the smile on your face and hear the happiness in your voice. You ran over to all the neighbors and introduce us to all of them. It was the littlest things that made you happy, nothing too extravagant, something I strive for in this lifetime. ...
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Missing My Daddy

I love my father very much. On December 13, 2012 he was murdered by his brother, sister and nephew over a house. They bribed the police in Guyana to cover up his death. There were no doctors or police present to certify his death. I still cannot believe that I will never hear my father's voice again, or I won't see that content smile on his face. Daddy I love you so much, I just want to know that you're alright.


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