Remembering My Dad


       I am always curious as to what a person's name mean. I want to know if your name determines who and what you become in life. I found this site where they provide a detail description of my dad's name. Some of the description I found to be the very characteristics of my dad.
  • As Ronald you have a great love of nature and the out-of-doors, and could have a desire to be in an occupation which takes you outdoors and involves you with the products of the earth.
  • All the finer things of life and beauties of nature are an inspiration to you and you are attracted to the mysteries of nature.
  • Difficulty in expression results in your being too positive, blunt, and candid in speech.
  • Although you are easily offended by others, you do not show it.
  • You crave affection and understanding, but rarely find it as others do not understand you and accuse you of being cool and aloof.
  • The average person would never realize the true depth of your nature.
  • A very individual, independent person, you live within your own thoughts.
  • The insecurity you experience from limited verbal expression and social ease results in a jealous possessiveness and suffering through frustration, repressed emotion, and self-consciousness.
  • This name would cause tension affecting the eyes, teeth, sinuses, ears or throat troubles; there could also be sensitivity in the heart, lungs, and respiratory organs, and frequent headaches.


I put the following tribute together for my dad. I hope he likes them.


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